EPISODE‌ ‌55 Sacred Time Kislev

“This time of year is not the end of life… times of rest and integration are just as much a part of life as times of momentum and activity.”— Ganga DeviWhat can we learn from our dreams? And how can we integrate these teachings into our waking lives? In the latest episode of Sacred Time, a podcast devoted to the healing art of the Hebrew calendar, Rabbi Bluth and Ganga Devi explore the month of Kislev, a time of slumber and dreams.The letter associated with the month of Kislev is the samech, the fifteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which is formed as a closed circle without beginning or end. As the word samech means “to support,” it is fitting that the letter resembles a hug — and in this time of darkness, it’s comforting to imagine ourselves as being held.With Chanukah in mind, this rich and insightful conversation examines themes of sleep, dreams, the power of light and darkness that brings thoughts of death... and moves through the cyclical nature of the rhythms of creation.Listen to this episode, and then visit livingjewishly.org/channukah to download the Living Jewishly Channukah Guide.“We sleep and we wake — and the world does that. The seasons do that. Our sun does that.” — BluthThis‌ ‌episode discusses:‌ ‌

  • How dreams inspire, enrich, and borrow from our waking lives — and their connection to prophecy
  • How our relationship with sleep can inform and soften our relationship to death
  • The symbolic meaning behind Channukah falling across both Kislev and Tevet


EPISODE‌ ‌56 Between Sinai and a Hard Place: Teaching Under the Shadow of Doubt


Chanuka and the Spinning of Fate