I Want It To Mean Something: Part 2

Where and how do you fit in? What role do you play in the many communities to which you belong?

The second of a three-part Living Jewishly: Conversations series, this episode of the Living Jewishly podcast features a discussion between teens Oren, Bella, and Shachar about circles of belonging and the importance of our relationships.

We all belong to a number of different circles of belonging. We ourselves lie at the centre, at the outer rim is the world as a whole, and in the middle we find some of our most meaningful and powerful circles of belonging:

Our family, our friends, and our communities.

The health and prosperity of a community is determined by the actions of those within it. Each person in a community brings their own meaning and impact to that group, and it is up to us to make sure that our contribution is a positive one. This is true not only for larger communities (your peer group, your neighbourhood, the Jewish community as a whole), but also for your individual relationships.

Ask yourself: what positive influences do you bring to your relationships? And what is your responsibility in that regard?

Throughout this episode, Oren, Bella, and Shachar underline the importance of the roles that we play in our circles of belonging… and reveal the hidden impacts these roles can carry.

In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

  • The different circles we belong to and the meaning that belonging brings to your life
  • The positive influence that healthy relationships have on your well-being — and the responsibilities you have toward others
  • The power you have to shape and improve your own community (even as a young person)!

“It’s important to not take for granted your family, especially. Because we are with them all the time, sometimes it’s easier to remember the bad things and not the good ones.”

— Shachar


Hope “Twenty-One” is Going to Be a Good Year. Mitzvot are recommended.


Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and the Key to Eternity