I Want it to Mean Something - Part Three

How should we think about our place in wider communities, such as our city, our country, or even the world?

More importantly: what responsibility do we owe to one another — even to people that we will never meet? ‌

And how do we remain conscious of impacts that remain largely invisible to us?

The final segment of a three-part Living Jewishly: Conversations series, this episode of the Living Jewishly podcast features a discussion between teens Oren, Bella, and Shachar about the third and final circle of belonging — our place in the world community.

Unlike the communities of our schools, neighbourhoods, and synagogues, these wider communities lack that level of familiarity and personal experience. What do we have in common with the Thai farmer, the Brazilian student, or the Maori labourer? How do the choices we make impact their lives?

While on the surface, our worlds may seem wildly different, in truth we are all connected: through both our shared experiences as global citizens and through the chain reactions that link us all together through our actions.

For better or for worse, the global economy and flow of ideas connects us all, lending our actions a hidden gravity.

The big question is: how do we as individuals act with responsibility, in order to create a positive impact for our global brothers and sisters?

In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

  • How our actions trigger the chain reactions that bind us all together in a web of connection
  • How identifying your true passions can lead you to take positive actions
  • Where you should start when you want to contribute to the creation of a better world

“I think it’s valuable to think about how our positive actions also impact the greater world. It’s not just about negative decisions or problematic things that we do.”

— Oren


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