Podcast Episode 3: Healing through Atonement and Forgiveness

Healing through Atonement and Forgiveness

All relationships depend on forgiveness. Even the one we have with ourselves.

People can hurt each other no matter how much they love one another.
Often we hurt or are hurt by those we love the most. And sometimes it seems that some hurts (e.g. infidelity, sexual and/or emotional) are too difficult to forgive.

Is atonement possible for such betrayals? Can a relationship actually grow stronger in the wake of such a shattering blow to trust? Yom Kippur is the Jewish holiday that challenges each of us to be accountable in our lives and our actions, and to consider deeply who it is we need to seek forgiveness from the most.

In this conversation with Robbie Schwartz, a long time Marriage and Family Therapist, Dr. Elliott Malamet will explore questions of whether and how, in our deepest relationships, we can forge ahead from pain towards healing, and from sadness to renewal, and how Jewish ideas about atonement can help us to move forward emotionally and spiritually, both within ourselves and with those we love.


Healing Through Atonement and Forgiveness


Does Judaism Matter?