Rosh Chodesh Shvat Yoga with Jenna

Welcome to the month of Shvat.To welcome this month, we invite you onto your Yoga mat, for our monthly session with Jenna Zadaka Yoga (@breathandsoul_jenna), who weaves Jewish teachings about the spirituality of this time with Yoga Asana practice – combining mind, soul, and body.This is a 50-minute flow connecting to the 4-parts of our Tree: our roots, trunk, branches and fruit, for “wo/man is a tree of the field.”Allowing the Tree of Life to express through us, this introspective dive into our parts is a great way to harness the potential of this pleasurable month, culminating in Tu B'Shevat on the 15th of the month. A knowledge of the Kabbalistic Sefirot is helpful, but not necessary for this class.No props or blocks necessary. Chodesh Tov!


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