Introducing Rabbi Bluth - The Art of Living Jewishly

Introducing: The Art of Living Jewishly, a new content series with Rabbi Bluth who will share her perspectives on Jewish experience through the lens of the Jewish calendar, and especially Rosh Chodesh, as the anchor.

Listen to this episode to learn about Rabbi Bluth and her spiritual journey that began after her ordination at Yeshiva. Celebrate with us as we welcome her to the Living Jewishly family. L’Chaim!

Watch the video:

Listen to the podcast:

From Rabbi Bluth:

“I'm so excited today to be launching The Art of Living Jewishly, with me, Rabbi Bluth. Twice a month this program will move through a journey where we encounter ancient Jewish wisdom, particularly through the lens of the Jewish calendar, which I see as a path and guide and healing tool. We will look to the ancients to bring that wisdom into the present moment to guide us, to live our best lives, to be the best versions of ourselves. To grow, to be introspective and to be inspired.

“I'm going to be sharing content that involves art, thought and embodied practice, and we are going to use the Jewish calendar as a guide for this year together of growth in our personal lives and what it means to be Living Jewishly.

“The goal is to experience Jewish wisdom, to inspire us on a path of personal growth and collective transformation. We're doing this all in order to grow our inner selves and to transform and create, a re-imagined world.

“Especially during this time of pandemic and the sort of social, spiritual revolution that's happening, it's really an opportunity to be intentional caring, loving, and how we want to be building the future.”

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