Kislev Yoga for Trust
Welcome to the month for dreamers. The cozy month of Kislev is the Hebrew month for dream work. To welcome this month, we invite you onto your Yoga mat, for our monthly session with Jenna Zadaka for a Yoga Asana practice - combining mind, soul and body.

Yoga for Cheshvan
Welcoming the new moon and new month of Cheshvan! This practice helps transform this month into an opportunity to elevate the ordinary moments and ritualize and intentions from Tishrei into your day to day life.

Yoga for Sukkot
To celebrate Sukkot, and to integrate some of the lessons into your bodies- we invite you to this months Yoga practice with Jenna Zedaka. Everyone is welcome to explore, regardless of your Yoga experience!

Rosh Chodesh Yoga, Elul
Welcome the new month, and new moon of Elul! eaves in Jewishteachings for this new month. It's a practice of preparing our body and heart for the new year, with a final relaxation posture of visualizing our body as an open field, sprinkling seeds of potential where it’s needed.

Tu B'av Yoga & Meditation
We are sharing some embodied practice with you - a Yoga flow session curated for Divine Love, made especially for Tu B'av, which teaches about the powerful healing energy of this full moon holiday! As well, take a seat for a beautiful guided meditation which explores the spiritual potency of sound & silence, inspired by Kabbalistic teachings for this month of Av.

Rosh Chodesh Av Yoga
Welcoming both the new moon (new month) of Av and Shabbat, with a Yoga flow that weaves the potent power of this month through embodied yoga asana practice.

Rosh Chodesh Tammuz
We welcome the new moon, and with it, the new month of Tammuz. In the hebrew calendar, Tammuz is a month of intensity, of fire. And yet, the month is connected to the sense of "sight", seeing deeply, seeing beneath the superficial, and seeing the good.

Rosh Chodesh Sivan Yoga for Healing
We welcome the new moon of Iyar, the month of Healing, with an inward-focused slow flow on our yoga mats. Like every new month, Jenna weaves the south-Asian embodied practice of Yoga with Jewish teaching. She guides us to invite in the Ziv Ha Olam/ The Radiance of the World into our breath and bodies.

Rosh Chodesh Yoga: Iyar
We welcome the new moon of Iyar, the month of Healing, with an inward-focused slow flow on our yoga mats. Let’s welcome the month together by tuning in the natural healing energy that is infused in this special , sacred month.

Rosh Chodesh Yoga: Nissan
Welcome to the new moon and new month of Nissan, the first month in the Jewish Calendar! Nissan is a month of spring awakening, passover and liberation. We have been preparing for this time all throughout the winter - a new start and a new season with one of Judaim’s most celebrated ceremonies - the Passover Seder.

Joy Yoga for Adar
We welcome the new moon and new month of Adar II! In this musical yoga session, Jenna brings postural asana practice together with Jewish teachings for the month - teachings that are rooted in the month, teachings from the Chabad Rebbe Rashab, and the deepest teaching of all which is embodied attunement.

Rosh Chodesh Meditation Adar
Please join us for Jenna’s new moon offering - a meditation around cultivating this joy, as we welcome Adar I. And for Adar II, we will be back on the mat for a second yoga session you won't want to miss.

Rosh Chodesh Shevat Yoga
Join us for a yoga flow session which combines traditional yoga asana practice with Jewish teachings for the month of Shevat. This is the month where, despite the trees being in a deep slumber, we connect to the hidden life force that continues to flow through them - priming them for the blooming in the upcoming spring. We just welcomed in 2022, and we are shifting towards the holiday of Tu B’shvat - so let's look to the trees to guide us and root us.

Rosh Chodesh Yoga Tevet (Chanukah)
Welcoming Tevet with Yoga and teachings! This month we focus on the sense of anger, and moving it through our body through postures, practice and meditation.

Rosh Chodesh Yoga: Kislev
Welcome the new month of Kislev, our winter month, with Jenna Zadaka for our new moon yoga session. Join us in waring up your body, and lighting your inner fire as we set our intentions during this daark time of the year.

Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, with guest yoga teacher, Jenna Zadaka
Welcome to the new month of Cheshvan! We invite you to begin this month with a beautiful yoga practice. In this practice, Jenna invites us to connect with Water Wisdom. Notice in your life where you feel waters are flowing, when tears are pouring, or where you are building an ark to float beyond flooding.

Restorative Sukkot Yoga Practice
Unroll your mat and move intentionally into you Sacred Sukkah Space. Under the shade of the sukkah, connected to the outdoors, covered with branches of schach, and enclosed like a womb, let's slow down, stretch out.
Rosh Chodesh Eul, with guest yoga teacher, Jenna Zadaka
Chodesh Tov! We invite you to begin this month with a beautiful yoga practice. This yoga practice invites us to return to our inner child, which is the tikkun (healing) of this month; to remember to return (teshuva) home with each breath; and to inspire our own sense of Awe through nature, and through our bodies.

Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, with guest yoga teacher, Jenna Zadaka
Tammuz is one of the most difficult months in the Jewish calendar which contains many of the darkest events in our history. To guide us into the month of Tammuz, Jenna Zadaka of Breath and Soul Yoga leads us in a yoga flow from Jerusalem. The heated heart of the holy land.