Restorative Sukkot Yoga Practice

Unroll your mat and move intentionally into your Sacred Sukkah Space.

Under the shade of the sukkah, connected to the outdoors, covered with branches of schach, and enclosed like a womb, let's slow down, stretch out. Coming from Jerusalem, Jenna Zadaka connects Torah and the teachings of sukkot to the ancient embodied practice of Yoga, in order to invite us into the sukkah with our whole bodies and selves. This yoga practice is gentle and restorative, and connects us to faith and devotion during this holiday of Sukkot.

Connecting to our intuitive selves, this yoga practice focuses on the womb-space, our place of unconditional love. In the womb, we are nourished with everything we need. So, as we enter into the shade of the sukkah, which surrounds us just as the womb once did, we ask ourselves - how am I doing deep within? 

We hope you enjoy this revitalizing practice!


EPISODE‌ ‌50: Sacred Time Tishrei (On Sukkot)


Yom Kippur – Hearing our Bodies Talk