Rosh Chodesh Av Yoga

Welcoming both the new moon (new month) of Av and Shabbat, with a Yoga flow that weaves the potent power of this month through embodied yoga asana practice.The month of Av is particularly intense. It holds both the most difficult day of the year in Hebrew calendar: Tisha B’av; as well as one of the most loving days of our year- Tu B’av! This month contains the entire arc of human experience. Packed with the lows and highs, suffering and resilience, tears of grief, and dances of love.Jenna @breathandsoul_jenna guides us through embodied practice in engage our bodies as we welcome the energy of this new month. Whatever your background or experience is (with Torah or Yoga!), we invite you to join us in this practice to honour the shift into the new month.We especially love when the new moon and Shabbat coincide, giving us true spaciousness to feel the shifting of the times and to carve out time and space to welcome what is to come.Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov!


Episode 83: Crime, Punishment and the Search for Justice


EPISODE‌ ‌86: The Girl From Irish Lake