Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, with guest yoga teacher, Jenna Zadaka

Welcome to the new month of Cheshvan.

Welcome to the new month of Cheshvan. Join Jenna Zadaka as she leads us in a yoga asana practice, to welcome the new month and to root us in the Hebrew calendar, our bodies and in practice.

Cheshvan is connected to the element of water. It's the season of rain and prayer for rain. It is the month when we read the biblical story of Noah's ark. In this practice, Jenna invites us to connect with Water Wisdom. Notice in your life where you feel waters are flowing, when tears are pouring, or where you are building an ark to float beyond flooding. Perhaps you can seek out rivers, lakes or seas to hold you or to cleanse you. Maybe you can donate to organizations that are protecting the world's ocean ecosystems.

Living Jewishly's monthly new moon practice always integrates yoga (South Asian ancient, embodied practice and philosophy), with venerated Rabbinic wisdom. It invites us to connect to our physicality, to postures, rest, and breath. With both flow and strength. Regardless of your flexibility, or your experience with you - you are invited to join Jenna as she guides you to deepen in stretch and presence. Thank you for joining us. We hope this yoga practice brings you the wisdom and embodiment you need in this moment of your lives.


The Voyage In


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