Rosh Chodesh Eul, with guest yoga teacher, Jenna Zadaka

Chodesh Tov! We welcome the month of Elul with Jenna Zadaka of Breath and Soul Yoga in Jerusalem, leading us in a yoga flow, to embody the themes of this month. This yoga practice invites us to return to our inner child, which is the tikkun (healing) of this month; to remember to return home (teshuva) with each breath; and to inspire our own sense of awe through nature, and through our bodies.

We are so excited to announce that Jenna will be offering a monthly Rosh Chodesh yoga practice for us at Living Jewishly! Weaving embodied posture and Torah teaching to welcome the new months.

Elul is the month that leads us to the high holidays! It is a month of teshuva, of introspection, and soul cleansing.

In this month, we are taught “HaMelech B’Sadeh”, that the Divine comes down to greet us in the field, in our place of work and toil. We meet in the field, before we ascend to the coronation of Rosh Hashanah.

Where is your field? What is your toil? How can you bring a sense of sacred into the every day? This month isn’t about putting on fancy clothes, or listening to elaborate liturgy. It’s about being here and now, in the field, in our daily arena, inviting holiness into our everyday. Bringing the sacred into the temporal.

We invite you to begin this month with a beautiful yoga practice. Bring your senses inward, allow your body to stretch, breathe deeply, and rest into the poses. This is a way to bring intentionality into this new month, to honour the simple and subtle new moon with spaciousness, bringing new habits and new ways of being, as we prepare for the high holidays.


Episode 46: Sacred Time - Elul


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