Rosh Chodesh Meditation Adar

We are welcoming the new moon! And along with it, the new month of Adar. In the Hebrew calendar, this year is called a “Shana Meuberet”, or a pregnant year. Similar to the function of a leap year, the Shana Meuberet has an extra month (rather than just an extra day). This occurs once every few years to sync the lunar and solar calendars (so that Jewish holidays remain connected to the season they are associated with). The month that gets doubled is Adar.It’s fitting that Adar is double. Two months of joy of chaos and transcendence. Two months of mystery, concealment and revelation; of miracle and victory, and silliness. It’s upside down. This is the 12th month, and in Adar II, the 13th month, we celebrate Purim. Our month(s) of Adar are a glimpse into a total wild energy - which sets us up / precedes our time of order with the following month of Nissan, which is about Passover, the Seder (order) and liberation.These months hold some of the deepest wisdom of our calendar - of our yearly journey through time and growth.So we now welcome Adar 1.It provides the space to connect with joy - the type of joy that lives quietly within all beings, underneath the layers of emotion and experience that are built above it. This joy can be subtle, or it can be expansive and ecstatic. And we are so blessed to have two full months dedicated to cultivating this happiness, to fostering experience and expression, emotions that hold within it such resilience and power.Please join us for Jenna’s new moon offering - a meditation around cultivating joy, as we welcome Adar I. And for Adar II, we will be back on the mat for a second yoga session you won't want to miss.Mi Sh'nichnas Adar Marbim B'Simcha! We enter Adar and increase in JOY!


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