Rosh Chodesh Yoga, Elul

“Walk like a free person, free from the past and free from the future. The true miracle is not to walk on water, but to walk on planet earth… When you walk, kiss the earth with your feet.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

Welcome the new month, and new moon of Elul! Elul is an acronym for Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li- I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me. The tradition teaches that in this month “king/queen is in the field”, or the Divine is ever more accessible in our day to day lives. Unlike Rosh Hashana which has the regal energy of us ascending to the Palace, Elul is a month of ‘this worldly’ preparation, which precedes the high holy days.

We invite you onto your yoga mat for this month’s yoga asana practice, which weaves in Jewish teachings for this new month with @breathandsoul_jenna. This practice focuses on the the inner spark, connected to the Hebrew letter of yud. Finding the yud/spark of goodness in our experiences, as well as smiling towards the upcoming year. It's a practice of preparing our body and heart for the new year, with a final relaxation posture of visualizing our body as an open field, sprinkling seeds of potential where it’s needed.


EPISODE‌ ‌89 Fundamentalism and the Ethics of Reading


Wacky Jackie