Rosh Chodesh Yoga: Nissan

Welcome to the new moon and new month of Nissan, the first month in the Jewish Calendar! Nissan is a month of spring awakening, Passover and liberation. We have been preparing for this time all throughout the winter - a new start and a new season with one of Judaism’s most celebrated ceremonies - the Passover Seder.

Join Jenna Zadaka for our monthly new moon yoga session! Bridging Torah and Chassidic wisdom for the new moon with the South Asian spiritual practice of Yoga Asana. Whether you join this Yoga session every month, or are new to the experience - are you invited to unroll your mat, and land in the teachings and movements of this time. 

Jenna invites us to connect to the teachings of this new month - that the consciousness of newness is a gift to each of us. Inviting us to open up in receptivity, to build our vessels in order to surrender - all in the month that centers liberation and freedom.

Chodesh Tov! Enjoy! And we always invite you to share your experiences of this practice with us on instagram @living.jewishly, or on the School of Living Jewishly platform.


Episode ‌72: Killing the First Born and the Morality of God


Episode 71: Watergirl