The Counting

The Counting

As the planet enters its second year of pandemic, the story of Rabbi Akiva’s students cannot help but conjure up images of spreading devastation and agonizing helplessness. In a time where we have all felt visceral insecurity in the mundane acts of touching, talking, breathing, Lag Ba’omer reaffirms that there is joy beyond mourning and redemption that rises from loss.

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Life is Elsewhere? The Israel of Fantasy and Reality.

Life is Elsewhere? The Israel of Fantasy and Reality.

In the imagination of many people, Israel engenders hypersized fantasies, where each day respresents—depending on your point of view--the potential for violence and bravery and heroism; a haven from persecution or a fresh start for Jewish dreamers; Start-Up Nation mixed with spiritual elation; brutal occupation and ethnic discrimination.

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Are Jewish Schools as Important as we Think? - Part Three

Are Jewish Schools as Important as we Think? - Part Three

The question about whether it is necessary to enrol Jewish children in Jewish schools is a long-standing one — and one that has sparked many lively debates. Find out how Rabbi Yossi Sapirman and Dr. Elliot Malamet advise parents to approach their children’s religious education in this episode of the Living Jewishly podcast.

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