Evil and Suffering and the Problem of Divine Silence
In this Special podcast for Tisha b'av, Dr. Malamet explores various explanations for why there is suffering, and God’s silent role in each. He also explores the idea of the covenant between Jews and God, that if you do good, you get good. If you receive or experience bad things, you must have done something wrong – but is that truly the case?

Should We Respond?
In a democratic society, calling out Ye’s latest rant is as reasonable as any other justified critique of a public figure. But we need to remember that there are serious problems that face Jews everywhere that won’t be solved by a tsunami of backlash on Twitter against celebrities who would not even be subjects for conversation if they were not celebrities.

Sukkot and the Fragility of Life
Life invariably shows us how fragile we really are and Sukkot is about literally shifting perspectives and encountering that fragility. Sukkot asks us to consider the real meaning of security and to cherish our beloved all the more.

Shofar and the Sounds of our Lives
How do shofar sounds connect to the lives we all lead? Because music is a language. This Rosh Hashana let the music take you on a journey through the ups and downs of life and set your intentions for the new year.
The New Moral Language
This week’s instalment of the Living Jewishly Podcasts is an episode of What’s in Your Toolbox?, a podcast about mental health. In this episode, Bobby K sits down with “Wacky Jackie” G., a fellow alumni of the Mood Disorder Association of Ontario’s Laughing Like Crazy program, to discuss the power of comedy, creativity, and connection.

Must We Be Happy?
Happiness is like a destination that is seemingly not too far away and yet arriving is much harder than you thought it would be. The cultural pressure to be happy has grown exponentially. Books; tapes, life coaches, university courses.Perhaps we should look at happiness as a gentle aspiration, a fluid goal, rather than a strict mandate to be complied with

Why Jewish Law Does Not Agree with the Supreme Court
If you are “pro-choice,” meaning you believe that women have the right, under all circumstances, to choose abortion as an option for an unwanted pregnancy; or if you are “pro-life”, asserting that ending a fetal life at any stage after conception, for any reason, is akin to murder, then Jewish law is going to disappoint you both.

What Do We Worship?
In Jewish terms, one of the most important questions we can ask ourselves is “what do I worship?” Faced with this challenge, many people will find themselves hard-pressed to think of an answer. Read more to ask yourself the important questions and discover what you worship.

Torah for Everyone
As Jews around the world prepare for the annual Shavuot festival marking the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai, for many of our brothers and sisters, involvement in Judaism is an endeavour that takes place on a distant planet, one which they have neither the inclination nor the inspiration to visit.

Walking the Walk
We can all think about walking the walk which, as always, begins with those who are closest to us, and then radiates outwards. But perhaps we are doing too much thinking and not enough doing. Read more in Dr. Elliot Malamet's latest blog about the importance of mutual respect and repairing the world.

A Voice for the Silenced
As Holocaust Remembrance Day and Israel Independence Day approach, Dr. Elliot Malamet discusses the importance of these holidays as they remind us of the past. In this blog, he discusses why with each passing year our memory of the holocaust is weakened and what we can do to ensure that we continue to give a voice to those who were robbed of speech in the Holocaust.

Comfortable? – I Hope Not
Good education has always worked best in opposition to comfort. It cannot let the student rest happily if such tranquillity comes at the price of examining where the truth may lie and whether such truth can aid in reconstructing one’s purpose and path in life.

The Social Contract
Each of us has an idea of how we should be treated in a given space, and the rules are often pretty clear, but what happens when they are not. Read Dr. Elliot Malamets latest blog to hear his take on The Social Contract.

Episode 62: Stretched to the Limit: Vulnerability and Stress in the Age of Covid
On this episode of Crossing the Sea Dr. Elliot Malamet speaks to Sharry Aiken, about the nightmare of hospital visitation during Covid-19, the unseen hardships faced by marginalized groups, and the vital missing piece when it comes to preparing frontline decisionmakers.

We are Not Diminished by the Other
What happens to Chanukah in an atmosphere where Christmas can be so all consuming? What do we do with these December dilemmas? Read Dr. Elliot Malamet’s latest blog to find out!

Chanuka and the Spinning of Fate
The dilemma of Chanuka is how to stand out proudly as a Jew in a world where, at times that might be a precarious undertaking. Our Judaism does not require a neon sign, but it also not something to obscure or keep sequestered indoors. May the light of Chnauka shine in our hearts, and then radiate outwards into the rest of our lives and our world.

Giving Away our Power
One of the distinguishing features of the Hebrew Bible is that the flaws of its protagonists are exposed, on full display. Unlike attempts at stylized heroic literature such as The Iliad, Biblical characters not only make mistakes but act out imprudently and even childishly, just like well…we would, faced with similar situations, especially when they lay blame at the feet of others.

The Voyage In
God had said to Abraham, “Go out from your country, your place of birth and your father’s house to the land I will show you.” Why not just say “Pack up and go to place X?” In this blog, Dr. Elliot Malamet discusses how difficult it is to change your life, especially as you get older and become set in your ways and asks the question "Why not?".
Baseball, Ice Cream and Fixing a Broken World
In Elliot Malamets latest blog he discusses the “Law of Triviality,” which asserted that the amount of time spent discussing an issue within an organization ran in inverse proportion to its actual importance. When the world is shuddering under the press of weightier matters we choose to talk about trivial things instead of discussing the important issues due to lack of understanding.