Rising Sap: Tu B'Shvat Manual
Tu B’Shvat! The Jewish new year for the trees, a time of subtle renewals, hidden hints of spring and change. This guide explores the rituals of Tu B’Shvat – including the fruit, nut and wine filled Seder.

Becoming Human
Rosh Hashana allows us to fully inhabit our situations, to stop wasting time on that which is beneath us, to put aside our petty squabbles and repetitive and unfounded fears and begin to the live the life we were meant to live, to take our first halting steps, fully and joyously, towards becoming human.

We Are Not Alone
Is God like a distant volcano that we have heard about - imposing, inaccessible, somewhat brooding but capable of eruption? Or simply a word, three random letters in English, four in French and German, of several lengths in Hebrew?

Prayer for Everyone
One of the most devastating prayer sentences in any language is also one of the most innocuous. “Lord open my lips, and may my mouth speak your praise.”