Rosh Chodesh Nissan Aleph Meditation with Aaron Cohen

It is the new moon, the new month of Nissan. The first month of our calendar, and the month that contains Passover, our holiday of redemption.To celebrate this renewal, this welcoming of Spring, and our journey from the chaos of Purim to the redemption of Passover - we welcome therapist Aharon Cohen to guide us in a Jewish meditation. This meditation draws on Kabbalistic themes, and invites us to contemplate on the ALEPH, the first letter of the alphabet. In this video, Aaron gives us mystical teachings on the letter aleph, and then leads us through his guided meditation. Through mindful awareness, breath, and contemplation, Aaron guides us to land in the present moment, transcend, and expand with Divine spirit.For more meditations, and to learn more about Aaron and his therapy practice, check out:[embed][/embed]


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