Chanuka and the Spinning of Fate

Chanuka and the Spinning of Fate

The dilemma of Chanuka is how to stand out proudly as a Jew in a world where, at times that might be a precarious undertaking. Our Judaism does not require a neon sign, but it also not something to obscure or keep sequestered indoors. May the light of Chnauka shine in our hearts, and then radiate outwards into the rest of our lives and our world.

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Giving Away our Power

Giving Away our Power

One of the distinguishing features of the Hebrew Bible is that the flaws of its protagonists are exposed, on full display. Unlike attempts at stylized heroic literature such as The Iliad, Biblical characters not only make mistakes but act out imprudently and even childishly, just like well…we would, faced with similar situations, especially when they lay blame at the feet of others.

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Life and the Doorknob Confession

Why do people bother with the High Holidays? Some want to, some have to, some feel compelled to, some do it for others, some pay homage to the past, some throw darts at the future. The High Holidays remind us about repentance, of reconnecting to Jewish values and Jewish unity. The lesser-known purpose of Rosh Hashanah is, on some fundamental level, about remembering that we are going to die.

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Baseball, Ice Cream and Fixing a Broken World

In Elliot Malamets latest blog he discusses the “Law of Triviality,” which asserted that the amount of time spent discussing an issue within an organization ran in inverse proportion to its actual importance. When the world is shuddering under the press of weightier matters we choose to talk about trivial things instead of discussing the important issues due to lack of understanding.

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Five Things to Do When you feel Powerless about Israel

Five Things to Do When you feel Powerless about Israel

For the vast majority of people, the feeling of events well beyond our control will be the residual taste of this conflict, and we will be prone to despair. Here are five things to do when you feel powerless about what happens in Israel, to begin to refine your perspective and become a more empowered Jewish citizen of the world.

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