The Art Of Rest /Shabbat Shalom
As we enter shabbat at this time of the full moon of cheshvan, we are invited into Rest as a sacred practice.
Twelve Steps to Inner Peace
It is a fairly common complaint that Judaism is a religion of rules and regulations that is heavy on structure, but light on facilitating serenity and joy. Here is a modest 12 step program towards inner peace, based primarily on Jewish teachings.
Cheshvan Embodied: Yoga & Torah Teachings
We welcome this new month in the spirit and in the body, with our guest - Jenna Zadaka, MA: CCC-SLP, RYT, who blends ancient Jewish wisdom with mindfulness and yoga sequences.
Forgiving One Another
Before you read this, think about one person, past or present, with whom you still have some unresolved argument or hurt, whether it is something you caused or received. Maybe you need to apologize; maybe it is they who need to approach you. Perhaps a little of both. Keep them in mind.
Becoming Human
Rosh Hashana allows us to fully inhabit our situations, to stop wasting time on that which is beneath us, to put aside our petty squabbles and repetitive and unfounded fears and begin to the live the life we were meant to live, to take our first halting steps, fully and joyously, towards becoming human.
We Are Not Alone
Is God like a distant volcano that we have heard about - imposing, inaccessible, somewhat brooding but capable of eruption? Or simply a word, three random letters in English, four in French and German, of several lengths in Hebrew?