Millennials in the Contemporary Jewish World with Noah Tile – Part Two

by | Feb 16, 2021

Millennials in the Contemporary Jewish World with Noah Tile – Part Two

“To me, spirituality right now is deeply connected with being created in the image of G-d and having deep creative power in the world to make the world a better place”

— Noah Tile

Why is the Millennial experience of Jewish identity so different from those who came before?

In this episode of the Living Jewishly podcast, Dr. Elliott Malamet speaks with Noah Tile (of the Change Talk podcast) about the Millennial exodus from traditional, institutional Jewish life.

Numerous studies reveal that Millennial attendance at synagogue is plummeting. While Noah finds meaning in attending services with his family, he is disinterested in taking part in Jewish institutional life through the synagogue; and he doesn’t believe that synagogue structures are the best way to keep Millennials in the fold.

Prayer is a complicated thing and many Millennials aren’t connecting with traditional liturgy. They instead look for ways to, as writer Max Weisman wrote for The Jewish Exponent, “create and customize” a practice of their own, one that helps them “feel ownership over this heritage.”

While many markers of Jewish identity are related to prayer, Noah believes that the rest of Jewish life is also rich with meaning — and so much more accessible to Millennials.

Bringing people into the Jewish narrative is important. A sense of deeper connection can be fostered through emphasizing our shared story, creating space for a stronger feeling of inclusion for the individual, and making our teachings and practices compelling and practical, rather than broad and vague.

Noah practices morning rituals to bring in gratitude and an appreciation of the beauty of life. How do you connect with your faith on a daily basis?

In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

  • Why Jewish Millennials feel disaffected — and how we can reignite their interest and curiosity
  • How we can infuse daily life with meaningful connection to our own narrative
  • How the Jewish story has inspired so many other stories and the key ingredient that has helped our story to survive and thrive

Change Talk podcast:

About The Author: Rabbi Yossi Sapirman