EPISODE 49: Yom Kippur - Learning to Forgive
This episode is all about forgiveness — why we need it, what can stand in its way, and how we can reach it. Yom Kippur is a time of atonement in which we challenge accountable actions.
Life and the Doorknob Confession
Why do people bother with the High Holidays? Some want to, some have to, some feel compelled to, some do it for others, some pay homage to the past, some throw darts at the future. The High Holidays remind us about repentance, of reconnecting to Jewish values and Jewish unity. The lesser-known purpose of Rosh Hashanah is, on some fundamental level, about remembering that we are going to die.
Episode 46: Sacred Time - Elul
This episode of Living Jewishly is an instalment of Sacred Time, a podcast devoted to the healing art of the Hebrew calendar. In this episode exploring the significance of the month of Elul, Bluth and Ganga Devi unpack major themes related to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
EPISODE 44 - Game, Sex, Match: Religious Singles and the Quest for Romantic Love.
This week’s episode of Living Jewishly is an instalment of Across the Sea, a podcast about mental health and Judaism. Guests Rabbi Rachel Rosenbluth and Micki Lavin-Pell discuss dating and building healthy relationships while Jewish.
Sacred Time: Tammuz
This episode of Sacred Time is centred on the rich history of Tammuz, the nature of trauma, and the acts of reflection and integration. This is a sacred time of mourning a time when we give space to anger and despair. But it also has much to teach us about how to heal.

Rosh Chodesh Av by Bluth featuring poet Ester Eckhaus
As we welcome the month of Av, we are featuring poet, Ester Eckhaus, whose words bring us in introspection and prayer, to guide us in the tenderness and pain of this month of mourning.

EPISODE 43 - Are There Innocent Civilians in War?
You might think that “ethics of war” is a contradiction in terms, but warfare is a rich subject when it comes to discussing ethical considerations. In this episode, we explore the contemporary ethics of war. Proportionality, collateral damage, and just cause are just a few of the complex topics explored in this thought-provoking episode.

Episode 41 - The Search for Acceptance: LGBTQ Jews and Mental Health
Depression, self harm, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts are most common in the LGBTQ community — especially for those who come from a religious background. This week’s Living Jewishly episode discusses mental health issues and their experiences growing up queer and Jewish.
Episode 41 - The Search for Acceptance: LGBTQ Jews and Mental Health
Depression, self harm, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts are most common in the LGBTQ community — especially for those who come from a religious background. This week’s Living Jewishly episode discusses mental health issues and their experiences growing up queer and Jewish.
Day by Day
In our culture, we are repeatedly given two paradoxical/contradictory messages: Be Yourself & Be Better. So how do we navigate between self-acceptance and the goal of transforming into the best version of ourselves?

Borderlines: The Ethics of Immigration
Is immigration a basic human right? Or is it a privilege? This episode of Living Jewishly is an instalment of What Would You Do?, a podcast about ethics. In this episode, we explore the borderlines making up the ethics of immigration.

Sacred Time: Sivan
Bluth and Ganga Devi discuss the concept of sacred power, the need for collective healing, and how we can move forward sustainably and intentionally.

Episode 33 - Judaism and Mental Health
In conversation with mental health experts, Dr. Elliot Malamet explores the line between healthy piety and unhealthy pathology, how our upbringing influences our experience of mental distress, and how spirituality can be integrated into psychotherapy.

This new month, we dive into some mystical musings on love, on creation and revelation. Bluth shares with us a poignant text study and thoughtful ideas to bring us into the earthy and mystical nature of this month and the beautiful holiday that is around the corner.

Episode 32 - What Would You Do?: "The Best Policy?” A Discussion.
Is honesty the best policy? Studies have shown that almost everyone lies on a weekly (or even daily) basis. In this episode, Dr. Elliot Malamet and Professor Muchnik dig deeply into the ethics of lying and cheating.

Sacred Time Episode 1: Iyar
Welcome to Sacred Time, a podcast that explores the healing art of the Hebrew calendar as it relates to our lives today. Tune into this episode to learn about the agricultural origins of this sacred ritual and how we find meaning in it during our modern time.

Episode 31: Crossing The Sea
Listen to the first episode to learn how to find a therapist that fits your needs, whether your therapist needs to be Jewish, and two crucial skills we should teach our children to create an emotionally healthier world.
Chodesh Tov & Ramadan Kareem!
My dear friend, the Sufi poetess Sukina Pilgrim shared a poem that she wrote last Ramadan. I am sharing it with you, as both our communities honour the time of receiving our Holy books, to share the inspiration in her devotion, and to wish our muslim friends a Ramadan Kareem.