Brave New Jewish World
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Brave New Jewish World

Jewish education today finds itself continually adjusting to just how much the world of our students has changed in the past forty years; Jewishness” is continually being reinvented in dozens of traditional and new ways.This blog discusses Jewish education in the new world, and how we can face the challenge of having to adapt.

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Five Things to Do When you feel Powerless about Israel

Five Things to Do When you feel Powerless about Israel

For the vast majority of people, the feeling of events well beyond our control will be the residual taste of this conflict, and we will be prone to despair. Here are five things to do when you feel powerless about what happens in Israel, to begin to refine your perspective and become a more empowered Jewish citizen of the world.

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The Counting

The Counting

As the planet enters its second year of pandemic, the story of Rabbi Akiva’s students cannot help but conjure up images of spreading devastation and agonizing helplessness. In a time where we have all felt visceral insecurity in the mundane acts of touching, talking, breathing, Lag Ba’omer reaffirms that there is joy beyond mourning and redemption that rises from loss.

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Life is Elsewhere? The Israel of Fantasy and Reality.

Life is Elsewhere? The Israel of Fantasy and Reality.

In the imagination of many people, Israel engenders hypersized fantasies, where each day respresents—depending on your point of view--the potential for violence and bravery and heroism; a haven from persecution or a fresh start for Jewish dreamers; Start-Up Nation mixed with spiritual elation; brutal occupation and ethnic discrimination.

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Whose Life Should be Saved?: The Dilemmas of Triage
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Whose Life Should be Saved?: The Dilemmas of Triage

During the past year, medical ethicists and hospital administrators around the world have been involved in agonizing life and death decisions during the Covid-19 pandemic, many of which have to do with triage. In this blog, Dr. Elliot Malamet discusses the different approaches to triage, and how Jewish ethics approaches these problems.

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SHVAT: Tea and Torah
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SHVAT: Tea and Torah

We welcome the month of Shvat with herbalist, bodyworker, educator and doula, Ariela Sharon Yomtovian. Ariela is here to teach us about this new month, through TEA and TORAH, because, as she says, “through our bodies, we can touch our souls.”

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In Those Days, For Our Times

In Those Days, For Our Times

Chanukah is a celebration of light, family, and food related events. It's meant to be simple, and it is also an opportunity to promote what we call “eight nights of giving”, whether one gives to charity, to various members of family, chooses a mitzvah project across eight nights or eight projects. Chanukah is a concise and specific opportunity at the darkest time of year to bring light to so many.

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