Rosh Chodesh Adar, in Art

by | Feb 11, 2021

Rosh Chodesh Adar, in Art

by | Feb 11, 2021 | Content by Bluth, Video

A Sound Healing Journey

Joy in Troubled Times

By Bluth and Galitta

This song welcomes the month of Adar, through poetry, chanting and niggun.

Created in Collaboration by Rabbi Bluth and Galitta – it takes you on a journey to feel into the month of adar, and to understand it’s themes as they relate to today. It is a melodic experience to welcome the Joy of Adar, a Joy that emerges as resistance and healing to the difficult times we are in.

About the Creators:
Galitta creates transformative and sensory performances that are composed of stories, songs, music, monuments, and ceremonies. She is a performing shaman, sound healer, and storyteller. She is a yemenite Israeli, living in Amsterdam. Galitta’s tribal heritage, prolific artistic range, and entrepreneurial drive led her to produce events, performances, and initiatives to inspire people to empower themselves using her Four Voices™️ method. Galitta led hundreds of events and workshops in Europe, inspiring countless numbers of people to find their voice and live a better life.
More about her:
insta: @galittashealingart
Listen to her music on Spotify: Galitta

Rabbi Bluth is an artist and entrepreneur working with Living Jewishly. She received orthodox smicha (rabbinic ordination) in 2019 from Beit midrash Har-El in Jerusalem. After smicha, Bluth began backpacking around the world connecting with different devotional communities. Bluth’s entrepreneurial accomplishments include founding multiple spiritual lay-led communities throughout the world (TLVShabbes, High holidays at Beth Tzedec, etc), as well as being the founder of Achvat Amim Ruchani in the Holy Land, an educational peace and justice initiative. She is on a standing commission for Religions for Peace. Bluth is a soferet, (hebrew calligrapher) and makes Ketubahs and guides people through Jewish lifecycle events. Drawing ancient wisdom into the new, manifesting Spirituality in peace and justice work, Bluth hopes to creat a better and more beautiful world for all.

Rosh Chodesh Adar Poem
By Bluth

Our sacred time,

is a time of hiddenness and emergence.

Chaos and celebration.

We look around and we feel

Oppression, pain, grief.

Revealed fragility

Hester Panim. The Hiding.

And this month invites us in,

To search the hidden.

Into the chaos, upside down, teetering on edge

Of moments,

With miracles.

Where there is oppression and suppression,

Joy is an act of resistance.

This is Defiant Joy.

We face reality, collective pain, and injustice

and we find the hidden sparks of Joy. We raise them up.

Marbim B’Simcha.

This is the Joy of Purim. A healing Joy. A liberating joy

that faces all of the darkness,

And invites it to the feast to wine and dine and shapeshift,

A joy that helps us to hope and imagine what is to come.
That the sea will split so bring your timbrels

Until we forget to remember until we do not know.

The difference, Our humanness, we come from the darkness

Of the womb(The tomb is the same gematria As The Womb)

Nahafochu – new futures can emerge

Mordechai asks Queen Esther,

Mi yodea im la’et kazot higa’at la’malchut?

who knows, if FOR THIS MOMENT, you became queen.

You arrived at this palace.
To each of us, Perhaps it is for this moment, That we are alive.

This is your invitation, your opening, your choice.

Plant seeds, resist, bless, care.

Let us Rise to the responsibility of this time,

Let us cocreate, heal, transform,

Through Joy.

Dear Queen,

la’et kazot higa’at la’malchut.

For this moment, you arrived.

About The Author: Rabbi Bluth