EPISODE 66 Sacred Time Adar I
This week’s episode of the Living Jewishly Podcasts is an instalment of Sacred Time, a podcast that explores the healing art of the Hebrew Calendar. We invite you to tune in for an enlightening conversation about the origin and meaning of the Jewish New Year cycle, and to join us in celebrating the arrival of Adar Aleph and the upcoming holiday of Purim!
Rosh Chodesh Meditation Adar
Please join us for Jenna’s new moon offering - a meditation around cultivating this joy, as we welcome Adar I. And for Adar II, we will be back on the mat for a second yoga session you won't want to miss.
Episode 61: Sacred Time Shvat
This week’s episode of Living Jewishly is an instalment of Sacred Time, a podcast exploring the healing art of the Hebrew calendar. In honour of the restful nature of Shvat, this episode shares an excerpt of a lesson from the School of Living Jewishly called “Welcoming Shabbat.”
Rosh Chodesh Shevat Yoga
Join us for a yoga flow session which combines traditional yoga asana practice with Jewish teachings for the month of Shevat. This is the month where, despite the trees being in a deep slumber, we connect to the hidden life force that continues to flow through them - priming them for the blooming in the upcoming spring. We just welcomed in 2022, and we are shifting towards the holiday of Tu B’shvat - so let's look to the trees to guide us and root us.
EPISODE 58 Sacred Time Tevet
As we leave behind our Chanukah celebrations, we enter the month of Tevet. This is a month of cold and darkness, but one that symbolically evokes a fiery emotion. Tevet offers us the rare opportunity to examine anger from a place of peace that allows us to truly reflect on and understand the wisdom and potential carried within. This week’s episode of Living Jewishly is an instalment of Scared Time, a podcast devoted to the healing art of the Hebrew calendar.
Rosh Chodesh Yoga Tevet (Chanukah)
Welcoming Tevet with Yoga and teachings! This month we focus on the sense of anger, and moving it through our body through postures, practice and meditation.
EPISODE 56 Between Sinai and a Hard Place: Teaching Under the Shadow of Doubt
In this episode, Dr. Elliot Malamet speaks with Sara Susswein Tesler, who teaches the Five Books of Moses at an Orthodox girls seminary — while being an enthusiastic student of biblical criticism.
EPISODE 55 Sacred Time Kislev
This week’s episode of Living Jewishly is an instalment of Sacred Time, and explores the month of Kislev, a time of slumber and dreams. In a time of darkness, sleep, and retreat, what can we learn from our dreams? And how can we integrate these teachings into our waking lives?
Rosh Chodesh Yoga: Kislev
Welcome the new month of Kislev, our winter month, with Jenna Zadaka for our new moon yoga session. Join us in waring up your body, and lighting your inner fire as we set our intentions during this daark time of the year.
EPISODE 52 Sacred Time Cheshvan
In this episode of Sacred Time, a podcast devoted to the healing art of the Hebrew calendar, Bluth and Ganga Devi discuss the many ways that we can develop structures and systems to reconnect us with our true priorities in life. Cheshvan encourages us to take practical steps to nurture what is meaningful and important — in this month and beyond.
Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, with guest yoga teacher, Jenna Zadaka
Welcome to the new month of Cheshvan! We invite you to begin this month with a beautiful yoga practice. In this practice, Jenna invites us to connect with Water Wisdom. Notice in your life where you feel waters are flowing, when tears are pouring, or where you are building an ark to float beyond flooding.
EPISODE 50: Sacred Time Tishrei (On Sukkot)
In this episode, Bluth and Ganga Devi explore the holiday of Sukkot, looking at the fragility, stability, and joy of this time in which we step out of our ordinary homes and find home and communion in relationship with the natural, living world.
Restorative Sukkot Yoga Practice
Unroll your mat and move intentionally into you Sacred Sukkah Space. Under the shade of the sukkah, connected to the outdoors, covered with branches of schach, and enclosed like a womb, let's slow down, stretch out.
Rosh Chodesh Eul, with guest yoga teacher, Jenna Zadaka
Chodesh Tov! We invite you to begin this month with a beautiful yoga practice. This yoga practice invites us to return to our inner child, which is the tikkun (healing) of this month; to remember to return (teshuva) home with each breath; and to inspire our own sense of Awe through nature, and through our bodies.
Episode 45 - Sacred Time: AV
Love plays a significant role in the complex month of Av. Ganga Devi, Bluth, and guest Idan Lumi explore love of self, love of others, and love of the divine as they delve into the significance of the month of Av.
Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, with guest yoga teacher, Jenna Zadaka
Tammuz is one of the most difficult months in the Jewish calendar which contains many of the darkest events in our history. To guide us into the month of Tammuz, Jenna Zadaka of Breath and Soul Yoga leads us in a yoga flow from Jerusalem. The heated heart of the holy land.
Sacred Time: Sivan
Bluth and Ganga Devi discuss the concept of sacred power, the need for collective healing, and how we can move forward sustainably and intentionally.
Modzitz Niggun With Rock the Shtetl and Bluth
As we celebrate receiving the Torah, this old melody lifts us in praise! This is a Modzitz Niggun with the words of El Adon, an ancient piyut (liturgical poem) praising the majesty of creation and the Creator. Music features Bluth and her talented mother, Ellen Rosenbluth.